Reseller List

Below is an alphabetical list of all resellers offering Holy Armament products, either as components of their own products or as standalone products available for purchase.

Cross and Shield Rosaries

Cross and Shield offers tough, handmade paracord Rosaries, clothing, and other accessories made for spiritual warfare.

Instagram: @crossandshield

Crown Rosary Supplies

Best Quality Rosary Supplies Parts & Findings 

Instagram: @crownrosary

Rosaries by Alex

Instagram: @rosaries_by_alex

Warrior Weapons Rosaries

Handmade paracord rosaries and chaplets. Made with Italian crucifixes and medals as well and high quality beads and cord these rosaries are made to last a lifetime! Choose from a variety of unique and beautiful designs or feel free to reach out for a custom order.

Instagram: @warriorweaponsrosaries